Marianna (Maria) or Amy!
Catbunnygirl, It/She(in a girl way.)
22 (24th May)
I like Anime, Games and Girls

Welcome to Exploration Mode
Ahead of you is three paths. Left, Up and Right. Which one would you like to take?

You take the left corridor.
You run for what feels like an hour down the eerie dark hallway. You find yourself now in front of a fork in your path. To the left is a doorway into a dark room. To the right is a doorway to the outside world.

You step into the dark room...
After a few seconds inside, you hear the door slam shut behind you and the lights flick on to reveal...

The Dio Room

"What the fuck? What are you doing here, asshole?!" Dio exclaims as he thrusts a knife into your stomach, killing you.

You step outside...

And an In-n-Out Burger restaurant stands in front of you. You feel your stomach growling and you rush across the road, not noticing the truck that hits you, killing you.

The upwards path is a staircase.
The stairs go on for a long time. You reach a section of the stairs where you can turn left to leave through a door or continue up.

You decide to quit the staircase.

But the Buster Bros. will not allow that. Instantaneously, you find yourself dead.

You continue up for a few minutes.
You find yourself at a familiar situation. You have a door to leave through or you can continue up.

You walk straight into the ongoing trial.

"Hey, you are not supposed to be here!" Sara yells at you. Everyone nods in agreement and votes for you. You are executed over the course of 5 seconds.

You continue up the stairs...
The stairwell is getting lighter now...


You stuck with choice until the end, and you find yourself in the outside world.
"Hey there, I'm here to take you home." Ryu from Streets says.
Ryu gives you a big hug and takes you home, stopping at Pizza Hut on the way.

The right path is well lit.
The decor, however, is very plain. Eventually, you come across a stairwell at the end of your path.

You climb up the stairs.
You begin to feel sick. Turn back?

Are you sure?
It's not too late. Turn back?

You walk straight into the ongoing trial.

And you find yourself face to face with the legendary yokai Yukari Yakumo.
"M-miss Yukari!" The words leave your mouth pathetically.
"Oh my, welcome to my lair!" She dotes upon you. She pats your head gently, her touch melting away your previous worries.
"I'm so glad I found you... Finally..." You fall onto your hands and knees, crying. Yukari picks you up and cuddles you.
"There there, it's all okay now. Have some of my Mystery Sauce to cheer you up!" She pulls out a jar of "Mystery Sauce" and takes the top off, pouring it into your throat. You cough and wheeze at the poison she fed you. You look up at her warm smile. You are happy this is the last thing you see before you die.

You find yourself at a door with two buttons.
One of the buttons reads "Live".
The other reads "Despair".
Which button do you press?

The door opens.
The light is blinding, but you step in anyway.

Ralsei weed.

I get high. (I get high.)
I get high. (I get high.)
I get high. (I get high.)
I get high. (I get high.)
I-I-I get hiiigh on your memory.
(Hiigh on your memory.)
Hiigh on your memory.

things i like:
You came here to learn about me, so I will show you SOME of my main interests right now. They are...


beatmania IIDX (i cant play it right now but i listen to a lot of the music)(i freaking ran out of elements for my carrd i guess you're only getting 2 of my interests SORRY i had a joke to put but it requires an image andi m not paying for carrd premium)